Essential oils can be blended both in body care products (from 3-4 to maximally 6 oils) and in perfume. In perfume production 6-9 oils are used as main and 3-6 as nuances (the more experienced person the more oils).
Making your own perfume
It�s best to start with 4-5 oils. You should follow these rules when creating your own fragrance:
* There should be three notes: Top note, Middle note and Base note 5-10% Base note, 30-70 % Middle note and 10-40% Top note or:
* 3 parts (30%) Middle note- middle and strong notes for the theme
* 2 parts (20%) Base note-strong, long lasting notes for the undertone
* 4 parts (40%) Top note- light, volatile notes for the overture
* 0.5 part (0.5%) Top- middle note � to blend these two notes
* 0.5 part (0.5%) Middle-base note � to blend these two notes
You can always follow your own rules but there is one common practice: mix all drop by drop and keep controlling the aroma while doing this.
Making your own, new perfume you must start with the middle note which enhances the theme.Then you add the base note defining the undertone and the top note for the overture. Top and bottom heart notes are always made at the end as they act as a go-between for top, middle and base notes.
In feminine fragrances there are always floral and fruity fragrances in the middle, that are completed with other matching notes:
* Floral, light- delicate and subtle flowery fragrances with fruit and citrus tones.
* Floral, green- floral notes with leaf, grass and moss overtones
* Floral, green- typically floral fragrances
* Floral, sweet (heavy) � exotic, luscious and sweet with balmy and woody overtones
* Fruity, heavy and sweet- heavy, sweet fragrances with fruity overtones
Selecting the oils you should follow your individual taste (favorite fragrances) and needs (to relax, refresh, for body or skin care or to help in medical problems). The oils must be mixed in harmony. You can�t use the oils that are all dominating, strong or don�t go well together. Creating a fragrance, it�s good to take notes and remember the quantity and the type of oil used. It will be helpful next time.
You should read descriptions of the oils before you mix them. Some of them are unsuitable for pregnant women as they are strong and irritant (you may use them only in small amounts). They can cause photo-allergic reactions (you can�t expose yourself to the sunlight)
Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.
Perfumes are divided according to the content of the fragrance.
* For example, aftershave lotions and splash colognes used by men consists of 0.5-2% of perfume concentrate.
* Eau de cologne for men � 3-5%.
* Eau de toilette for women � 4-8%.
* Eau de parfum for women � 8-15%
* Parfum for women � 10-20%
Eau (fr.) water.
Pre-amble. Cropwatch has been campaigning for a number of years to reverse the “26 allergens” legislation, founded as it is, on “bad science”. We were assured in a face-to-face meeting with the EU Cosmetics Regulator in Brussels in 2007 that this subject would be re-examined, and it appears that this is now the case, as the EU Commission have reportedly agreed to consider the Schnuch evidence (see below). If this is all the evidence on alleged allergens that the Commission is going to review, it will be a disappointment, since further scientific papers on fragrance chemicals originally misclassified as allergens by the SCCNFP (now the SCCP) are piling up, as indicated below.
Reduce Stress
Stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e., go back to number one above!, exercise is a great stress reducer, Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible.
These fragrances are made with distinctive and fresh aromas which remind you of environmental scents, for example: woods, grass, sour apples or lavender. Now the well-known fragrance of this type is Beautiful by Estee Lauder (1986).
Pick Your Parents Well !
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. You can't pick your parents, but just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you can't counteract the genetic pool handed you. So follow the first 9 tips above
70 ml of almond oil, 30 ml of jojoba oil,
20 drops of ethereal oils: rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, juniper.
(fresh, citrus fragrance with a herbal overtone).
Don't Drink too Much Alcohol
Whilst it is true that a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more alcohol than that, or binge drinking on a night out, can cause other serious health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer.
Burfield T. (2007) “Over-regulation is Destroying Natural aromatics.” Lecture to the 38th meeting of the ISEO, Graz, Austria on 12th Sept. 2007.
100 ml of botanical oil
5-10 drops of essentiall oil (one or more)
Arty, funky style always with a twist. you will try the latest trend but adapt it for your figure. You love hats & look terrific in them.
class="MsoNormal">Essentially, all of the traditional fragrances could be grouped in this category also, since rose is one of the most romantic of all flowers. However, for those who are averse to a rose note, I offer the following:
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I don't know any other way of loving
Stimulating, revitalizing oil
60 ml of macadamia oil, 30 ml of jojoba oil and 10 ml of chamomile oil,
20 drops of ethereal oils (orange, ylang-ylang, geranium, rosewood)
Exotic floral with fruit overtones
Remember-casual doesn't mean sloppy.
Wear layered coordinates-always pulled together with a vest, blazer, or anorak style jacket.
Head Gear like baseball caps can give many just casual outfits that sporty feel
You enjoy clothes that enhance your curves-fluid fabrics, deeper necklines, waist treatments, sensual fabrics like silk, cashmere, slinky knits, & leather.
These three fall into the category of romantic floral. All three of them combine rose and fruit with a beautiful amber or musk base, so if you are not into those notes .. well ... my experiment will be lost on you. For those who do love a light, casual fruity-rosey-amber fragrance, you may be surprised and relieved. One of the group is fairly expensive (even on discount sites), one has unfortunately been discontinued and another one is available deeply discounted, so why not pop for the discounted one and count your blessings? They are as follows:
Bath oil ( basic recipe )
80 ml of botanical oil (jojoba, almond, peanut oil or other)
10 ml of essential oil (one or mixed)
10 ml of lecithin (herbal emulgent)
Put all into a dark glass bottle and mix thoroughly (might be left for a few days).
You will need 10 ml of oil for a full bath (35-38 Celsius degrees)
With sensitive skin use less oil.
Lecithin will help the oil dissolve in water instead of floating on the surface. It will also protect the skin from drying.
If we haven�t got any lecithin we can as well use plain bath foam which should be mixed with the carrier and essential oil before putting into the bath.
Sonnet XVII (100 Love Sonnets, 1960) I don't love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire: I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul.
Pick Your Parents Well !
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. You can't pick your parents, but just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you can't counteract the genetic pool handed you. So follow the first 9 tips above
Ocean fragrances
These fragrances are the newest types of fragrances based on synthetic ingredients which smell like fresh ocean waters.
Don't eat the obvious fat in your diet such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. Eat dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts and even then in their low fat verions. Most are available in lower fat versions.
but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep it is your eyes that close.
Refreshing oil
70 ml of almond oil, 30 ml of jojoba oil,
20 drops of ethereal oils: rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, juniper.
You enjoy clothes that enhance your curves-fluid fabrics, deeper necklines, waist treatments, sensual fabrics like silk, cashmere, slinky knits, & leather.
Upon first sniff, it so closely resembles Chanel No. 5 that I am left to wait in suspense as the heart unfolds. I wonder what so significantly differentiates this from the Chanel aldehydic creation. The top is nearly 100% sparkling aldehydes with an ample dose of flowers like neroli and lily of the valley, rendering it all but identical to No. 5. I do not have to sit in suspense very long, however. As warm and enveloping vanilla rolls through the fragrance, this note drops the resonation of the scent at least two octaves and it is the first base note I detect. The abundant, blooming and colorful flowers remain, but as the fragrance progresses they become much warmer and earthier. Through this stage Arpège resembles No. 5's naughty older sister, much like the contrast between Anne and Mary Boleyn during their adolescence, before Anne became crazed with obsessive love for King Henry VIII.1] Anne’s naïve yet manipulative, sweet yet cunning persona contrasted with Mary’s pure of heart, genuine and loving nature exemplify the differences between sparkling, bright and powdery floral to earthy, languid sandalwood, vanilla and patchouli. As one of my contemporaries mentioned, vetiver gives the base a cool aspect, preventing it from enveloping the scent with warmness. It is precisely the cool-warm base that lends this fragrance its identity, separate from Chanel No. 5 and lovely in its own right. I picture the woman who wears this fragrance as beautiful, powerful and benefiting from exquisite taste.
I am quite captivated by Arpège and very pleased to have made its acquaintance. It seems deserving to find such a lovely beauty awaiting me at the end of a perfume-scanty week. To seal the deal, the packaging of the scent could not be lovelier. Originally the scent was created for Jeanne Lanvin to represent a mother’s love for her child. Therefore the image on the bottle is that of a mother and child, inspired by a 1907 picture of Jeanne and her daughter Marguerite before a ball. This image later became the hallmark image for all Lanvin fragrances. And it has me coveting a bottle of Arpège Eau de Parfum.
Bath oil ( basic recipe )
80 ml of botanical oil (jojoba, almond, peanut oil or other)
10 ml of essential oil (one or mixed)
10 ml of lecithin (herbal emulgent)
Put all into a dark glass bottle and mix thoroughly (might be left for a few days).
You will need 10 ml of oil for a full bath (35-38 Celsius degrees)
With sensitive skin use less oil.
Lecithin will help the oil dissolve in water instead of floating on the surface. It will also protect the skin from drying.
If we haven�t got any lecithin we can as well use plain bath foam which should be mixed with the carrier and essential oil before putting into the bath.
I love you as the plant that doesn't bloom and carries hidden within itself the light of those flowers, and thanks to your love, darkly in my body lives the dense fragrance that rises from the earth.
Stimulating, revitalizing oil
60 ml of macadamia oil, 30 ml of jojoba oil and 10 ml of chamomile oil,
20 drops of ethereal oils (orange, ylang-ylang, geranium, rosewood)
Exotic floral with fruit overtones
Remember-casual doesn't mean sloppy.
Wear layered coordinates-always pulled together with a vest, blazer, or anorak style jacket.
Head Gear like baseball caps can give many just casual outfits that sporty feel
Statistics show that the wearing of seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes.
By Skytrain and Shuttle Get off at Main and Terminal (Science World), walk East along Terminal Avenue to Cottrell Street (on the South side behind Home Depot). Turn right and walk about 70 meters to the station OR we offer a free shuttle to the Station from the corner of Station St and Terminal Ave right in front of Cloverdale Paints. It runs from 12:00 to 19:00 every 20 minutes. Just wait by the sandwich board and we’ll come and pick you up!
Inhalations oil (basic recipe)
2 liters of water
1-2 drops of eeesntial oil (one or more
I am an avid perfume fan living in a small town in Oklahoma, far from the nearest perfume store. If you are wondering what qualifications I have for writing this blog, the answer is simple: none. I just like perfume.
I wear men's, women's, and unisex perfumes. I love woods, incense, citrus, florals, spices, vetiver, and green notes. I am very fond of chypre perfumes, or anything with oakmoss for that matter. I am not so fond of patchouli or amber, and with a few exceptions, I don't care for very "clean" perfumes, marine fragrances, or very sweet gourmand-dessert type perfumes.