Today's post about fresh perfume


You enjoy clothes that enhance your curves-fluid fabrics, deeper necklines, waist treatments, sensual fabrics like silk, cashmere, slinky knits, & leather.

Hostynek J.J. & Maibach H.I. (2003a) "Is there evidence that anisyl alcohol causes allergic dermatitis?" Exog. Dermatol. 2, 230-33.

Green fragrances

These fragrances are made with distinctive and fresh aromas which remind you of environmental scents, for example: woods, grass, sour apples or lavender. Now the well-known fragrance of this type is Beautiful by Estee Lauder (1986).

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What's so great about perfume sample

Chypre fragrances

These fragrances are the smallest yet the most unique group of perfumes. Therefore women who love this scent will always love it, and those who cannot stand it, will never wear it. The basic note here is oak moss scent which gives it very specific aroma of soil. Then others notes of ciste labdanum are added. The complementary notes are: patchouli, rose or bergamot. The examples here are: the classic Aromatic Elixir by Clinique (1972) and recent Rush by Gucci (1999).

Hair clean-up

An all-natural way to eliminate shampoo build-up and toxins in your hair is with apple cider vinegar. Rinse your hair once a week with one cup of apple-cider vinegar, found in grocery stores or health stores.

Friedrich et al. (2008) looking at a number of monoterpenes using the rat Popliteal Lymph Node Assay (PLNA) concluded that although citral, a-terpinene, b-myrcene and (-)-a-pinene induced a clear immuno-stimulatory response due to their irritant properties, no monoterpene proved to be a sensitizing agent in the PLNA. Further work may reinforce the hypothesis whereby weak irritants such as citral above are often misclassified by techniques such as the LLNA, as weak or moderate sensitizers. Again it underlines the point that we may have been misled by a culture of toxicological imperialism, into forms of precautionary fragrance ingredient legislation which may not ultimately prove to be scientifically robust.


fragrance perfume - Blasted by the beauty

Ocean fragrances

These fragrances are the newest types of fragrances based on synthetic ingredients which smell like fresh ocean waters.

Tired eye solution

Need to get rid of tired or puffy eyes immediately? Keep a spoon in the freezer and apply to eyelids for a few minutes to reduce redness.

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Turn things on by this perfume sample

Chypre fragrances

These fragrances are the smallest yet the most unique group of perfumes. Therefore women who love this scent will always love it, and those who cannot stand it, will never wear it. The basic note here is oak moss scent which gives it very specific aroma of soil. Then others notes of ciste labdanum are added. The complementary notes are: patchouli, rose or bergamot. The examples here are: the classic Aromatic Elixir by Clinique (1972) and recent Rush by Gucci (1999).

Hair clean-up

An all-natural way to eliminate shampoo build-up and toxins in your hair is with apple cider vinegar. Rinse your hair once a week with one cup of apple-cider vinegar, found in grocery stores or health stores.

Amylcinnamic aldehyde (Hostynek & Maibach 2003b)


A post dedicated to womens perfume

Chypre fragrances

These fragrances are the smallest yet the most unique group of perfumes. Therefore women who love this scent will always love it, and those who cannot stand it, will never wear it. The basic note here is oak moss scent which gives it very specific aroma of soil. Then others notes of ciste labdanum are added. The complementary notes are: patchouli, rose or bergamot. The examples here are: the classic Aromatic Elixir by Clinique (1972) and recent Rush by Gucci (1999).

Hostynek J.J. & Maibach H.I. (2003) “Operational definition of a causative contact allergen – a study with six fragrance allergens.” Exog. Dermatol. 2, 279-285.

Reduce your exposure to Pollution

Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.


Something you can't miss about perfume the movie

Chypre fragrances

These fragrances are the smallest yet the most unique group of perfumes. Therefore women who love this scent will always love it, and those who cannot stand it, will never wear it. The basic note here is oak moss scent which gives it very specific aroma of soil. Then others notes of ciste labdanum are added. The complementary notes are: patchouli, rose or bergamot. The examples here are: the classic Aromatic Elixir by Clinique (1972) and recent Rush by Gucci (1999).

Spot remover

Trying to remove a stain from your favourite suede jacket or skirt? Lightly rub over the stain with an emery board to get rid of the spot.

align="center">From our house to yours, wishing you a Happy Easter and the freedom to live your life to the fullest believing in the impossible ...


It might not relevant but this beautiful perfumes is awesome !!

Fruit fragrances

These fragrances are most often defined as fresh and light scents. They use the aromas of melon, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, or orange blossom. The most popular fragrances of this type are: Tommy Girl by Tommy Hilfinger (1996) and Acqua di Gio by Giorgio Armani (1995).

Hostynek J.J. & Maibach H.I. (2003b) "Is there evidence that amylcinnamic aldehyde causes allergic dermatitis?" Exog. Dermatol. 3, 35-46.

Natural cleansers

Dip into your fridge for facial cleansers when your regular cleanser runs out. In a pinch buttermilk, yogurt and even cream are gentle, natural skin cleansers.


Cheepest best fragrance on earth ?!

Oriental fragrances

These fragrances are associated with Far East. Their base is designed around exotic spices and flowers, sandalwood and resin. The first perfumes of such kind were introduced in 1925 by Guerlain under the name of Shalimar. The oriental fragrances are very strong and in the eighties when there became very popular, they became also banned by the owners of some of the big companies in their office buildings. Oriental scents are not in fashion all the time. However, those who like them are usually very fond of them. The typical example here is Obssession by Calvin Klein from 1985.


You love being a woman & enjoy lace touches, soft florals, & pearls.

benzyl alcohol, benzyl salicylate, geraniol, anisyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate, benzyl cinnamate, citronellol,

This is the womens perfume you are looking for

Chypre fragrances

These fragrances are the smallest yet the most unique group of perfumes. Therefore women who love this scent will always love it, and those who cannot stand it, will never wear it. The basic note here is oak moss scent which gives it very specific aroma of soil. Then others notes of ciste labdanum are added. The complementary notes are: patchouli, rose or bergamot. The examples here are: the classic Aromatic Elixir by Clinique (1972) and recent Rush by Gucci (1999).

align="center">... and smelling good!

Reduce your exposure to Pollution

Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.


No one can deny this womens perfume

Chypre fragrances

These fragrances are the smallest yet the most unique group of perfumes. Therefore women who love this scent will always love it, and those who cannot stand it, will never wear it. The basic note here is oak moss scent which gives it very specific aroma of soil. Then others notes of ciste labdanum are added. The complementary notes are: patchouli, rose or bergamot. The examples here are: the classic Aromatic Elixir by Clinique (1972) and recent Rush by Gucci (1999).

Reduce your exposure to Pollution

Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.


A post dedicated to mens fragrances

Fast fix for loose buttons

Losing the button off your jacket but don�t have time to sew it back on? Use a dab of clear nail polish to seal the threads onto the center of the button as a temporary solution.

Fruit fragrances

These fragrances are most often defined as fresh and light scents. They use the aromas of melon, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, or orange blossom. The most popular fragrances of this type are: Tommy Girl by Tommy Hilfinger (1996) and Acqua di Gio by Giorgio Armani (1995).

It might not relevant but this discount perfumes is awesome !!

Fruit fragrances

These fragrances are most often defined as fresh and light scents. They use the aromas of melon, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, or orange blossom. The most popular fragrances of this type are: Tommy Girl by Tommy Hilfinger (1996) and Acqua di Gio by Giorgio Armani (1995).

Warm regards,

Moisturizer alternative

Instead of using a cream moisturizer after you bath or shower, rub almond oil (available at your local health food store) into your skin for a treat. Combined with a few drops of your favourite essential oil (peppermint, lavender or neroli) it will leave your skin smooth and supple.

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Cheepest make your own perfume on earth ?!

Fresh scents

Scented waters, such as lavender water, are a great way to infuse a heavenly, yet subtle smell into your clothing. Add scented water to an iron, and on steam setting, gently waft over clothing. A great tip for clothes that have been in storage for the season.

pan style="font-style: italic;">You are sown in order to blossom again.
The Lord of the harvest goes forth

and gathers us in sheaves

when we have died.

What awaited me at the very end of March were the last breaths of winter, persistently attempting to overpower the burst of cherry blossom with a flood of cold caressing cotton balls. At the same time Mahler’s symphony no.2, AKA “Die Auferstehung” (Resurrection) is playing, and I am wearing the first mod I’ve created for “In A Station of the Metro”. Interestingly, both perfume and music were inspired by a poem. One is longish, the other very short as you may know.

The great Romantics of the late 19th century were not merely death obsessed; they saw death as a positive thing, mulling over concepts that perhaps before were more prevalent in the East, such as incarnation, the rise of spirit above matter and so on. I am not particularly inclined to connote Spring with death, but through the lessons of life, I’ve learned that spring is not always just sunny daffodils and birthday parties. Early spring is a time of struggle, a battle fought wearing coat of arms made from bursts of showy flowers. While to some, waking up in the morning is an appealing and easy task, the rise from near-death sleep (or a dark Winter hibernation, for that matter) takes a lot of energy, and we may need all the flowers we can get to get out of this death-bed.

* “Wieder aufzublueh’n wirst du gesat!
Der Herr der Erhnte geht
und sammelt Garben
uns ein, die starben!” (from “ Die Auferstehung” by Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, translated by a mysterious translator who works for Decca record label, and copied from the pamphlet accompanying the 1975 recording Zubin Mehta & Wiener Philharmoniker and soloists Christa Ludwig and Ileana Cortrubas)Ayala, A Station of the Metro

Sparrows' acts, originally uploaded by tearoom.

Visit Memory and Desire to read my olfactory interpretation of "In A Station of the Metro" - a poem by Ezra Pound.

Good perfume advice

* Try to keep your perfumes in dark and cold places so they can remain long-lasting.
* Do not splash perfumes on silk because it leaves stains.
* If you want to use perfumes which cause allergic reaction, try to spray it on your handbag or your hair or the parts of clothing which do not touch your skin directly.
* If you want to find out if you are allergic to some fragrances, spray it gently on your wrist or inner part of your elbow. If after about an hour you notice some reaction, it means that the perfumes are not for you.
* It is better to perfume your body before you get dressed because you can spray more of your body then and it will not leave stains on your clothes.
* Most perfumes are designed to last for about four hours. Some of them may last longer but they will change their scent then. Therefore it is advisable to use perfumes once or twice more during the day.


This is the perfume online you are looking for

Don't Drink too Much Alcohol

Whilst it is true that a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more alcohol than that, or binge drinking on a night out, can cause other serious health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer.

Eau de Parfum ( with Alcohol )

2.5 ml of essential oils
2.5 ml of alcohol (INCI: ethanol)
2.5 ml of (not more) distilled water

Mix the oils in a glass bottle (not more than 2.5 ml) , then slowly, a drop at a time put them into alcohol continuously stirring. Finally add the water (the mixture may become opaque, which depends on the type of oil).

Put the bottle into a refrigerator (-18 Celsius degrees) for 24 hours. Next filter it or decant (don�t shake the bottle). Then leave it again for 2-4 weeks to let if fuse into one fragrance.

Perfume with alcohol is short-lasting but stronger and more intense.

Table 1. Classification of the ‘26 allergens’ according to IVDK, 2004

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Today's post about discount perfume

Body brush

Dry brushing your skin before a shower is a great way to stimulate the natural oil glands in your body. Using a natural bristle body brush, start at your feet and lightly �brush� your skin in a circular motion. Follow by a warm shower and slather your body with your favourite moisturizer.

Perfumes for a special occasion

Perfume for an important occasion should be subtle, delicate and unique. The way we will smell depends on the ingredients of the fragrance. Let's have a look at the main components to be able to recognize them in any composition. Beautiful fragrances are often produced from extremely smelly substances. Sensuous umbra, is e.g. the excretion of a sperm whale and when it's fresh it reeks of fish. Dried for a few months it becomes a valuable perfume ingredient with a warm, lush and sensuous aroma.

Musk is a good fixative of fragrant compositions so it is a basic component of all perfume. Natural musk has a disgusting odor of ammonium and it's a secretion of musk-deer scent-glands. Dissolved in an alcoholic solution it turns into a sensuous animal scent found even in delicate compositions.

Castoreum and tybet are similar to musk. Castoreum is a substance used by beavers to grease their fur and tybet is a secretion of a civet.-an African animal. Both ingredients give perfume a warm and sensuous note and they are much appreciated for their fixative properties . Vanilla with its balmy scent is a warm and sweet perfume componentwhereas cardamom is obtained from small grains of a slightly fruity aroma which are the base of fruity and woody scents.

Aninteresting perfume component which is used in men's perfumes is black pepper fruit oil and an extract from a field bean. Grass, moss and herbs make green notes.

Weitwer - a grass root of resinous and powdery scent dominates in the men's fragrances world but it can also be sensed in feminine ones. Provencal basil and geranium oil give flowery note. Oak moss and mace sage enhance, especially men's compositions, with an herbal aroma.

Also resins can be found in perfume. Myrrh and incense are tree resins that were used early in ancient times. The first smells like brush-wood and the other smells of a tree-root.

Benzoic resin that comes from Vietnam is characterized by a deep and intense smell.

Almost every fragrance contains a dose of sandalwood that makes perfume sweet, resinous and slightly musky.

Flowers are also widely used perfume components. Rose and jasmine are the most frequent. Although narcissus is also becoming more and more popular with its strong pervasive and stupefying aroma that permeates the whole composition.

Some other components are mimosa and bergamot. Although mimosa is delicate and elusive it has its fans. Bergamot is a small inedible orange and although it's a citrus its oil smells worldly and is presentin almost all types of perfume where it's in the top notes.

For more extravagant people there's a wide range of such modern and original fragrances as the smell of burnt rubber, metal and stone blended with the scent of drying laundry, hot sand and nail varnish. Compositions of black tea, smoke, resin, rubber and wood can also be found in perfume.

The more reserved novelty amateurs would probably like perfume containing such delicious aromas as: chocolate, fruit and vegetables (those without thick fleshy peel e.g. apples or tomatoes).

If you have decided what you want to have in your perfume you should go to a renowned perfumery where competent staff will help you find a desirable kind of perfume.

What's so great about perfume gift set

Cropwatch Statement.

Face oil (basic recipe)

100 ml of botanical oil
5-10 drops of essentiall oil (one or more)

Perfect purchase

If you find a pair of black pants or a skirt that are the perfect fit, consider buying more than one pair. Black tends to fade after a while, but with two pairs of the same pants, the wear and tear takes longer. And black matches with everything!

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perfume bottle - Blasted by the beauty

Four spaces are still available for correspondance students in the Foundation
of Natural Perfumer course which begins this weekend.

Oriental fragrances

These fragrances are associated with Far East. Their base is designed around exotic spices and flowers, sandalwood and resin. The first perfumes of such kind were introduced in 1925 by Guerlain under the name of Shalimar. The oriental fragrances are very strong and in the eighties when there became very popular, they became also banned by the owners of some of the big companies in their office buildings. Oriental scents are not in fashion all the time. However, those who like them are usually very fond of them. The typical example here is Obssession by Calvin Klein from 1985.

Pick Your Parents Well !

The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. You can't pick your parents, but just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you can't counteract the genetic pool handed you. So follow the first 9 tips above


So in love with this perfume the movie

Chypre fragrances

These fragrances are the smallest yet the most unique group of perfumes. Therefore women who love this scent will always love it, and those who cannot stand it, will never wear it. The basic note here is oak moss scent which gives it very specific aroma of soil. Then others notes of ciste labdanum are added. The complementary notes are: patchouli, rose or bergamot. The examples here are: the classic Aromatic Elixir by Clinique (1972) and recent Rush by Gucci (1999).

Spot remover

Trying to remove a stain from your favourite suede jacket or skirt? Lightly rub over the stain with an emery board to get rid of the spot.

amyl cinnamic alcohol, hexyl cinnamic aldehyde, alpha-keton


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