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Don't Drink too Much Alcohol

Whilst it is true that a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more alcohol than that, or binge drinking on a night out, can cause other serious health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer.

Eau de Parfum ( with Alcohol )

2.5 ml of essential oils
2.5 ml of alcohol (INCI: ethanol)
2.5 ml of (not more) distilled water

Mix the oils in a glass bottle (not more than 2.5 ml) , then slowly, a drop at a time put them into alcohol continuously stirring. Finally add the water (the mixture may become opaque, which depends on the type of oil).

Put the bottle into a refrigerator (-18 Celsius degrees) for 24 hours. Next filter it or decant (don�t shake the bottle). Then leave it again for 2-4 weeks to let if fuse into one fragrance.

Perfume with alcohol is short-lasting but stronger and more intense.

Table 1. Classification of the ‘26 allergens’ according to IVDK, 2004

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