Fruit fragrances
These fragrances are most often defined as fresh and light scents. They use the aromas of melon, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, or orange blossom. The most popular fragrances of this type are: Tommy Girl by Tommy Hilfinger (1996) and Acqua di Gio by Giorgio Armani (1995).
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Apparently I am addicted to caffeine, oh that I already knew! I do have to agree with my number 1 as well. The worrywart in me is constantly worrying about everything and everyone around me. I hardly treat myself to anything special since I'm always running around doing one thing or another. And I really think it's high time I start pampering myself, starting with another Perfume Shopping Spree perhaps? ;)
So how about you? Would you like to have a cup of latte with Mariuca and share your latte personality with me? Have a great weekend and Happy EC Dropping to all my visitors! :)
What Your Latte Says About You
You don't treat yourself very often. You find that indulging doesn't jibe with your very disciplined life.
You can be quite silly at times, but you know when to buckle down and be serious.
You have a good deal of energy, but you pace yourself. You never burn out too fast.
You're addicted to caffeine. There's no denying it.
You are a child at heart, and you don't ever miss the opportunity to do something playful.
You are expressive and friendly, but you are never pushy.
Have YOU?
Ever since I discovered you can actually make money online and off your blog, I've been very interested in any new money-making programs that come my way. So when I heard about Bloggerwave, I immediately registered for this new, exciting paid post program and was approved in less than 24 hours!
Once given the green light, you can immediately start making more money online by browsing through available jobs and writing for advertisers according to their preference. Upon approval of your post, you will be paid via PayPal. Your piggybank will grow fatter and fatter as you take on more jobs that come your way!
Natural cleansers
Dip into your fridge for facial cleansers when your regular cleanser runs out. In a pinch buttermilk, yogurt and even cream are gentle, natural skin cleansers.
perfume emporium | french perfume
Oriental fragrances
These fragrances are associated with Far East. Their base is designed around exotic spices and flowers, sandalwood and resin. The first perfumes of such kind were introduced in 1925 by Guerlain under the name of Shalimar. The oriental fragrances are very strong and in the eighties when there became very popular, they became also banned by the owners of some of the big companies in their office buildings. Oriental scents are not in fashion all the time. However, those who like them are usually very fond of them. The typical example here is Obssession by Calvin Klein from 1985.
You love being a woman & enjoy lace touches, soft florals, & pearls.
Vetiver Racinettes was born out of two forces: my curiousity to study this intriguing and versatile note; and a deep need that I can only describe as therapeutic at that time, which lead me specifically to that essence. The result of this vetiver journey is a perfume that contains all of the elements that I've ever loved in the vetiver scents I've tried, as well as my own conclusions from my journey in the route of vetiver. It has the warmth of earth and firey spices and at the same time - the coolness of clay and vetiver curtains sprinkled with water; the medicinal dryness of herbs and grasses and the luxurious tenacity of woods; the sweetness of tarragon and earth with the bitterness of coffee and mud.
perfume oils
Chypre fragrances
These fragrances are the smallest yet the most unique group of perfumes. Therefore women who love this scent will always love it, and those who cannot stand it, will never wear it. The basic note here is oak moss scent which gives it very specific aroma of soil. Then others notes of ciste labdanum are added. The complementary notes are: patchouli, rose or bergamot. The examples here are: the classic Aromatic Elixir by Clinique (1972) and recent Rush by Gucci (1999).
Anisyl alcohol (Hostynek & Maibach 2003a)
Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.
vera wang perfume | discount perfumes
Something you can't miss about 3121 perfume
Posted by
Oscar Fragrance
10:13 PM
perfume bottle
Body care and massage oil (basic recipe)
100 ml of botanical oil,
20 drops (0,7 ml) of essential oil,
3 capsules of vitamin E (optionally).
Carrier oils can be mixed in various proportions (with a few exceptions). In my opinion, jojoba oil is absolutely essential. It is long � lasting and stays fresh for a long time.
Persons with less sensitive skin can use even 5 ml of essential oils for 100 ml of carrier oil
You love being a woman & enjoy lace touches, soft florals, & pearls.
Sonnet XVII (100 Love Sonnets, 1960)
I don't love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz
or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as certain dark things are loved,
secretly, between the shadow and the soul.
perfume movie
It might not relevant but this discount perfume is awesome !!
Posted by
Oscar Fragrance
1:48 PM
perfume bottles
Natural cleansers
Dip into your fridge for facial cleansers when your regular cleanser runs out. In a pinch buttermilk, yogurt and even cream are gentle, natural skin cleansers.
Blending oils and making your own perfumes
Essential oils can be blended both in body care products (from 3-4 to maximally 6 oils) and in perfume. In perfume production 6-9 oils are used as main and 3-6 as nuances (the more experienced person the more oils).
Making your own perfume
It�s best to start with 4-5 oils. You should follow these rules when creating your own fragrance:
* There should be three notes: Top note, Middle note and Base note 5-10% Base note, 30-70 % Middle note and 10-40% Top note or:
* 3 parts (30%) Middle note- middle and strong notes for the theme
* 2 parts (20%) Base note-strong, long lasting notes for the undertone
* 4 parts (40%) Top note- light, volatile notes for the overture
* 0.5 part (0.5%) Top- middle note � to blend these two notes
* 0.5 part (0.5%) Middle-base note � to blend these two notes
You can always follow your own rules but there is one common practice: mix all drop by drop and keep controlling the aroma while doing this.
Making your own, new perfume you must start with the middle note which enhances the theme.Then you add the base note defining the undertone and the top note for the overture. Top and bottom heart notes are always made at the end as they act as a go-between for top, middle and base notes.
In feminine fragrances there are always floral and fruity fragrances in the middle, that are completed with other matching notes:
* Floral, light- delicate and subtle flowery fragrances with fruit and citrus tones.
* Floral, green- floral notes with leaf, grass and moss overtones
* Floral, green- typically floral fragrances
* Floral, sweet (heavy) � exotic, luscious and sweet with balmy and woody overtones
* Fruity, heavy and sweet- heavy, sweet fragrances with fruity overtones
Selecting the oils you should follow your individual taste (favorite fragrances) and needs (to relax, refresh, for body or skin care or to help in medical problems). The oils must be mixed in harmony. You can�t use the oils that are all dominating, strong or don�t go well together. Creating a fragrance, it�s good to take notes and remember the quantity and the type of oil used. It will be helpful next time.
You should read descriptions of the oils before you mix them. Some of them are unsuitable for pregnant women as they are strong and irritant (you may use them only in small amounts). They can cause photo-allergic reactions (you can�t expose yourself to the sunlight)
perfume shop
Images courtesy of, and
Perfumes for a special occasion
Perfume for an important occasion should be subtle, delicate and unique. The way we will smell depends on the ingredients of the fragrance. Let's have a look at the main components to be able to recognize them in any composition. Beautiful fragrances are often produced from extremely smelly substances. Sensuous umbra, is e.g. the excretion of a sperm whale and when it's fresh it reeks of fish. Dried for a few months it becomes a valuable perfume ingredient with a warm, lush and sensuous aroma.
Musk is a good fixative of fragrant compositions so it is a basic component of all perfume. Natural musk has a disgusting odor of ammonium and it's a secretion of musk-deer scent-glands. Dissolved in an alcoholic solution it turns into a sensuous animal scent found even in delicate compositions.
Castoreum and tybet are similar to musk. Castoreum is a substance used by beavers to grease their fur and tybet is a secretion of a civet.-an African animal. Both ingredients give perfume a warm and sensuous note and they are much appreciated for their fixative properties . Vanilla with its balmy scent is a warm and sweet perfume componentwhereas cardamom is obtained from small grains of a slightly fruity aroma which are the base of fruity and woody scents.
Aninteresting perfume component which is used in men's perfumes is black pepper fruit oil and an extract from a field bean. Grass, moss and herbs make green notes.
Weitwer - a grass root of resinous and powdery scent dominates in the men's fragrances world but it can also be sensed in feminine ones. Provencal basil and geranium oil give flowery note. Oak moss and mace sage enhance, especially men's compositions, with an herbal aroma.
Also resins can be found in perfume. Myrrh and incense are tree resins that were used early in ancient times. The first smells like brush-wood and the other smells of a tree-root.
Benzoic resin that comes from Vietnam is characterized by a deep and intense smell.
Almost every fragrance contains a dose of sandalwood that makes perfume sweet, resinous and slightly musky.
Flowers are also widely used perfume components. Rose and jasmine are the most frequent. Although narcissus is also becoming more and more popular with its strong pervasive and stupefying aroma that permeates the whole composition.
Some other components are mimosa and bergamot. Although mimosa is delicate and elusive it has its fans. Bergamot is a small inedible orange and although it's a citrus its oil smells worldly and is presentin almost all types of perfume where it's in the top notes.
For more extravagant people there's a wide range of such modern and original fragrances as the smell of burnt rubber, metal and stone blended with the scent of drying laundry, hot sand and nail varnish. Compositions of black tea, smoke, resin, rubber and wood can also be found in perfume.
The more reserved novelty amateurs would probably like perfume containing such delicious aromas as: chocolate, fruit and vegetables (those without thick fleshy peel e.g. apples or tomatoes).
If you have decided what you want to have in your perfume you should go to a renowned perfumery where competent staff will help you find a desirable kind of perfume.
Static cling control
Need a quick way to fight static on your clothes? Carry a dryer sheet with you in your purse � rub it on the underside of your skirt or pantyhose to keep your clothes static free.
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This is the perfume bottle you are looking for
Posted by
Oscar Fragrance
5:18 AM
discount perfume
Good perfume advice
* Try to keep your perfumes in dark and cold places so they can remain long-lasting.
* Do not splash perfumes on silk because it leaves stains.
* If you want to use perfumes which cause allergic reaction, try to spray it on your handbag or your hair or the parts of clothing which do not touch your skin directly.
* If you want to find out if you are allergic to some fragrances, spray it gently on your wrist or inner part of your elbow. If after about an hour you notice some reaction, it means that the perfumes are not for you.
* It is better to perfume your body before you get dressed because you can spray more of your body then and it will not leave stains on your clothes.
* Most perfumes are designed to last for about four hours. Some of them may last longer but they will change their scent then. Therefore it is advisable to use perfumes once or twice more during the day.
Pick Your Parents Well !
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. You can't pick your parents, but just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you can't counteract the genetic pool handed you. So follow the first 9 tips above
perfume store | perfumes
Stimulating, revitalizing oil
60 ml of macadamia oil, 30 ml of jojoba oil and 10 ml of chamomile oil,
20 drops of ethereal oils (orange, ylang-ylang, geranium, rosewood)
Exotic floral with fruit overtones
Fast fix for loose buttons
Losing the button off your jacket but don�t have time to sew it back on? Use a dab of clear nail polish to seal the threads onto the center of the button as a temporary solution.
Hostynek J.J., Maibach H.I. (2004b) “Sensitisaton potential of citronellol” Exog Dermatol 3(6), 307-312.
perfume online | womens perfume
What's so great about light blue perfume
Posted by
Oscar Fragrance
8:29 AM
womens fragrances
Refreshing oil A nose approaches a field of wild flowers. The air is intoxicated with the scent of myriad different species in various stages of bloom – fresh buds, flowers in full bloom, petals dying and rotting in the warm sun… You know the scent comes from the flowers, but yet if you were to go blindfolded into the field you won’t be able to tell exactly which flower is responsible to what part of the overall “wild flowers” scent. They all play like a large orchestra tuning its instrument in no particular direction or rhythm. This is reality.
70 ml of almond oil, 30 ml of jojoba oil,
20 drops of ethereal oils: rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, juniper.
(fresh, citrus fragrance with a herbal overtone).
Spot remover
Trying to remove a stain from your favourite suede jacket or skirt? Lightly rub over the stain with an emery board to get rid of the spot.
href="">Arsenal, my quite-realistic gin & tonic fragrance has been reformulated. I admit, this is entirely my fault. No one told me to reformulate it. I did it on my own accord. The main reason being the poor longevity of the scent, as well as the fact that it was just a tad too "realistic" and not so much of a scent of its own. I wanted it to be a little more perfumey...
It still smells very much like gin and tonic, but with the addition of a few elements that make it a little more complex: lemon leaf, orris root CO2, litsea cubeba, lime and copaiba balsam. I have also decided to use both the green and the white cognac, to add a little more depth to the base. I have insisted on using no floral notes and no vanilla (even though the latter was very, very tempting! I had to tie both of my arms to not add a touch of vanilla CO2 to the cocktail!).
The new Arsenal is just a little longer lasting citrusy-summery twist on the Eau de Cologne type (albeit more concentrated than a traditional cologne water), and smells especially delicious in the oil version (which is what got me to reformulate it in the first place). If you have ordered Arsenal earlier this year and were unhappy with its longevity, contact me and I will be happy to send you a free sample of the new version.
The weather was muggy again, but not so sunny; I was brave enough to go out (even in the evening) with no umbrella and no jacket despite of the clouds though... Aside from a pashimna scurf, the only added accessories to cover my skin were, yet again, Azuree body lotion (ahem, yes, with sprakles), and Film Noir in solid perfume (and inside my pendant). I am again surprised at how dry it comes across on a sweaty day.
My perfumed teas have been very popular this past weekend and are now nearly completely sold out: none of Tirzah is left, and I'm down to the last tin of Gaucho and the last tin of Immortelle l'Amour tea. All teas are organic and wild crafted, with no artifical flavouring. They are perfumed with the aromas of high quality dried leaves, fruit and flowers (i.e.: osmanthus blossom, vanilla beans, citrus peel, damiana leaf and so on).
I don't know when the next batch will be made available again for all three; but in the future, the tins will be lighter (with less tea blend) to make them more affordable. We have been filling them all the way up, making for a full tin of between 70-80gr of tea, which is a lot more than the standard in the market for such a small tin.
Well, now I know where you can find it - it's up on Neil Morris' website, as well as many other of his Vault Fragrances (most of which I haven't tried yet).
This collection includes interesting concepts, such as a series of florals for men (gardenia, lilac, and rose, nevertheless), and of course the formidable Parfum d'Ida.
I don't like to make promises, but, yes, some of these will be reviewed in SmellyBlog in the foreseeable future. In the meantime - check them out for yourself!
I wore my Charisma, with its refreshing spearmint and green tea notes. And served a cool Tirzah tea (which is now sold out until a new batch is made! Yay!).
I suppose the need for hydration is excellent day for increasing tea sales...
Being one of those days that calls for an extra shower in the evening, I was given the opportunity to switch my perfume once again. So this evening I am wearing Bronze Goddess lotion (the scent has already faded into a warm-skin-and-sand subtlety) as a background, and in the foreground, I've anointed my wrists and pulse points with nothing less than Film Noir in creme parfum. The creme parfum makes it smell drier, somehow.
Tomorrow I'll be back with some more substantial entries. In the meantime - share your parfum de jour or any other interesting olfactory encounters of the day. Alternatively, I'll be more than just a little curious to hear what fragrances help you cool off in a very hot and humid day.
Good night!
Take No. 5 on the other hand, worn on a woman’s skin: it starts out certain way, and develops into different things, revealing an internal structure or hierarchy that exists all at once in one olfactory source – the perfume. Or a wine or tea for that matter, with all their different layers of top, heart and base, revealing depth in various stages of the experience. These can be likened to the orchestra already playing in perfect sync, accompanying the Mezzo-Soprano diva at any given moment.
But is there anything out there in nature, completely non man-made, that has a hierarchical olfactory existence such as perfume?
I have to confess - all the Jean-Claude Elena talk yesterday neatly got me to almost lose sleep as I was contemplating those two principles that seem to pull modern perfumery into two different directions: expansion, diffusion and breadth versus hierarchy/structure, evolution and depth. These two concepts are what Octavian Sever Coifan refers to as the principles of Musk and Amber.
I noticed that I have difficult time understanding or fully grasping certain modern perfumes. I only now noticed why: these are made to evolve differently. Although I may be able to detect one note or another in composition such as Narcisso Rodriguez, Agent Provocateur and Osmanthe Yunnan – I can’t say I perceive them as clearly as in, say, the classic Carons and Guerlains. These perfumes are fickle like the scent of an ocean breeze or a field of wild flowers. It’s almost as if their source has blurred (even though I know they are on my skin when I wear them). They are even more ephemeral the scent is to begin with. It’s hard to tell when they move from one phase to another. It’s hard to tell if the dry down is still apparent or if the perfume left the skin hours ago. They exisit in a different dimension altogether...
The classic orientals, chypres and fougeres, however, have a well-kept structure that reveals itself as you go along. They are still abstract and intangible (as fragrance always is); but it’s easier to see what’s going on at any given time. There is a flow and it’s heading forward at all times. Where as in the other genre, there is constant movement to all direction in an attempt to diffuse and disperse the molecules, almost as if attempting to hide their source.
I found it particularly fascinating that these perfumes that are more abstract and conceptual and follow the “musk” principle (i.e. Jean-Claude Elena’s) actually behave a lot more like scents do in nature; where as perfumes following the “amber” principle are in fact restricting the scents and coaxing them into pre-established forms.
It is interesting to note that the latest attempts to modernize the genre of chypre have mostly focused on rearing these compositions into the “musk” direction. I was nearly awe-struck last night when I re-applied Terre d’Hermes and noticed that what made it smell familiar to me is its resemblance to Agent Provocateur of all things!
And no, it is not just a question of vetiver, it’s the usage of synthetic musk that create that there-but-not-quite-with-you feel that I find to underline all musk-oriented fragrances. To illustrate my point, think of what happened in 31, Rue Cambon where iris and pepper were used to create the illusion of chypre, and how little it has to do with Miss Dior and how much more it has to do with scents such as Osmanthe Yunnan or Terre d’Hermes.
A nose approaches a field of wild flowers. The air is intoxicated with the scent of myriad different species in various stages of bloom – fresh buds, flowers in full bloom, petals dying and rotting in the warm sun… You know the scent comes from the flowers, but yet if you were to go blindfolded into the field you won’t be able to tell exactly which flower is responsible to what part of the overall “wild flowers” scent. They all play like a large orchestra tuning its instrument in no particular direction or rhythm. This is reality.
Take No. 5 on the other hand, worn on a woman’s skin: it starts out certain way, and develops into different things, revealing an internal structure or hierarchy that exists all at once in one olfactory source – the perfume. Or a wine or tea for that matter, with all their different layers of top, heart and base, revealing depth in various stages of the experience. These can be likened to the orchestra already playing in perfect sync, accompanying the Mezzo-Soprano diva at any given moment.
But is there anything out there in nature, completely non man-made, that has a hierarchical olfactory existence such as perfume?
I have to confess - all the Jean-Claude Elena talk yesterday neatly got me to almost lose sleep as I was contemplating those two principles that seem to pull modern perfumery into two different directions: expansion, diffusion and breadth versus hierarchy/structure, evolution and depth. These two concepts are what Octavian Sever Coifan refers to as the principles of Musk and Amber.
I noticed that I have difficult time understanding or fully grasping certain modern perfumes. I only now noticed why: these are made to evolve differently. Although I may be able to detect one note or another in composition such as Narcisso Rodriguez, Agent Provocateur and Osmanthe Yunnan – I can’t say I perceive them as clearly as in, say, the classic Carons and Guerlains. These perfumes are fickle like the scent of an ocean breeze or a field of wild flowers. It’s almost as if their source has blurred (even though I know they are on my skin when I wear them). They are even more ephemeral the scent is to begin with. It’s hard to tell when they move from one phase to another. It’s hard to tell if the dry down is still apparent or if the perfume left the skin hours ago. They exisit in a different dimension altogether...
The classic orientals, chypres and fougeres, however, have a well-kept structure that reveals itself as you go along. They are still abstract and intangible (as fragrance always is); but it’s easier to see what’s going on at any given time. There is a flow and it’s heading forward at all times. Where as in the other genre, there is constant movement to all direction in an attempt to diffuse and disperse the molecules, almost as if attempting to hide their source.
I found it particularly fascinating that these perfumes that are more abstract and conceptual and follow the “musk” principle (i.e. Jean-Claude Elena’s) actually behave a lot more like scents do in nature; where as perfumes following the “amber” principle are in fact restricting the scents and coaxing them into pre-established forms.
It is interesting to note that the latest attempts to modernize the genre of chypre have mostly focused on rearing these compositions into the “musk” direction. I was nearly awe-struck last night when I re-applied Terre d’Hermes and noticed that what made it smell familiar to me is its resemblance to Agent Provocateur of all things!
And no, it is not just a question of vetiver, it’s the usage of synthetic musk that create that there-but-not-quite-with-you feel that I find to underline all musk-oriented fragrances. To illustrate my point, think of what happened in 31, Rue Cambon where iris and pepper were used to create the illusion of chypre, and how little it has to do with Miss Dior and how much more it has to do with scents such as Osmanthe Yunnan or Terre d’Hermes.
perfume samples
euphoria perfume - Blasted by the beauty
Posted by
Oscar Fragrance
6:45 AM
best fragrance
Fresh scents
Scented waters, such as lavender water, are a great way to infuse a heavenly, yet subtle smell into your clothing. Add scented water to an iron, and on steam setting, gently waft over clothing. A great tip for clothes that have been in storage for the season.
but this, in which there is no I or you,
so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand,
so intimate that when I fall asleep it is your eyes that close.
Floral fragrances
These fragrances are the most popular and they also cause the least controversy as for their reception by customers. Floral fragrances are designed either around the scent of only one flower, e.g. lily in Diorissimo by Dior (1956), or around the floral bouquet, e.g. Pleasures by Estee Lauder (1995).
perfume bottle | angel perfume | perfume oil
Chypre fragrances
These fragrances are the smallest yet the most unique group of perfumes. Therefore women who love this scent will always love it, and those who cannot stand it, will never wear it. The basic note here is oak moss scent which gives it very specific aroma of soil. Then others notes of ciste labdanum are added. The complementary notes are: patchouli, rose or bergamot. The examples here are: the classic Aromatic Elixir by Clinique (1972) and recent Rush by Gucci (1999).
Reduce your exposure to Pollution
Not everyone can live in a smog-free environment, but we can all avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning where air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution deterrent. If you ride a bicycle in traffic, where a small pollution mask over your mouth and nose.
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r />

I've been waiting like forever for Blogthings to come up with a new quiz that's perfume related! They have all sorts of interesting quizzes there, but none on fragrances. And finally, when I visited Blogthings today, I found one on what Fragrance Profile do I belong to. Here is my results; I do love vanilla, so I'm quite happy with my results! Care to share your fragrance profile with me?
Your Fragrance Profile |
![]() The best calming fragrance: vanilla The best fragrance for everyday wear: orange The best fragrance to boost your sex appeal: lavender The best fragrance for energy: pine |

"When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace. " The Dalai Lama
I got tagged by Emila with this unique peace tag; the main purpose is to spread peace and unity around the globe. Emila's friend, Zari created the beautiful dove icon you see here, as a symbol of unity, love and peace. I think this tag is a wonderful way for us bloggers to help spread peace and love to each other. If everyone does their part in maintaining peace within themselves, their families, society and eventually the world, I'd like to believe that love will take over and peace will hopefully reside.
And now, lets tag some of my blog friends who I think have lots of love to share with others and they are Bobby, Madamoiselle, LJ, Zubli, Farah, Hazel, Bokjae, NAFASg, Sassy, Jamy and Catsy. Will you join me in this quest to make love and not war?
The rules:
1. If you get tagged or not (and want to play along), take some minutes to meditate about love and peace, pray for countries that are facing troubles, for those people you love and those you don’t.
2. Write a post with links to blogs that you think would like to participate.
3. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

Honestly, I didn't plan to buy a new perfume for myself today. My dresser is already packed with too many bottles but when I set my sight on this divine green bottle, its magnetic allure was simply too strong and I could not resist. And did you notice the miniature scent that comes with this set? It would definitely make a beautiful addition to Mariuca's Perfume Gallery with its elegant design and beautiful green shade. I'm also a huge fan of Estee Lauder and since White Linen Breeze is one of my favorite scents, I quickly made the purchase before I changed my mind and decided that this will be my Valentine's Day gift to myself! :)
Pure White Linen Light Breeze aims to mesmerize by capturing casual elegance to perfection. Vibrant and lively, this sparkling citrus floral fragrance combines refreshing citrus and sparkling notes of natural elements of green to bring you a fresh cool scent is reminiscent of a lovely garden in summer - simply irresistible! Its top notes include Italian bergamot, watery kumquat blossom, orange zest, white grapefruit, osmanthus, yellow freesia and linden blossom.
The best part of this purchase is of course the free miniature bottle, which is now happily occupying a prominent spot in my Gallery! It's amazing how a new scent can do wonders for my soul, which means I'm in a great mood today! I'd like to wish all of you a Happy Valentine's Day and don't forget to splurge on a nice new scent this special day!

Hello to all wonderful Mariucans and my faithful readers out there! I know I just posted a meme as my last post, but I have to get this one out immediately simply because it's too good to wait! I'd like to see just how far this meme will go and if it can really achieve the 1,000 links it is aiming for! I know all of you are just as excited as me to join in the fun, and you can do so right now! Let's join hands and make this meme a success through and through! Oh and have fun while you're at it too ok? :)
"Let’s face it; one of the main goals of joining a meme is to increase links. So, let’s call a spade a spade and see how “Big” of a “Bang” we can get. The goal is to exceed 1,000 sites. Can it be done? With your help we will leave all the other memes in our dust! Just follow the instructions. No thought necessary."
Stimulating, revitalizing oil
60 ml of macadamia oil, 30 ml of jojoba oil and 10 ml of chamomile oil,
20 drops of ethereal oils (orange, ylang-ylang, geranium, rosewood)
Exotic floral with fruit overtones
Remember-casual doesn't mean sloppy.
Wear layered coordinates-always pulled together with a vest, blazer, or anorak style jacket.
Head Gear like baseball caps can give many just casual outfits that sporty feel
bvlgari perfume
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I've been waiting like forever for Blogthings to come up with a new quiz that's perfume related! They have all sorts of interesting quizzes there, but none on fragrances. And finally, when I visited Blogthings today, I found one on what Fragrance Profile do I belong to. Here is my results; I do love vanilla, so I'm quite happy with my results! Care to share your fragrance profile with me?
Your Fragrance Profile |
![]() The best calming fragrance: vanilla The best fragrance for everyday wear: orange The best fragrance to boost your sex appeal: lavender The best fragrance for energy: pine |

"When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace. " The Dalai Lama
I got tagged by Emila with this unique peace tag; the main purpose is to spread peace and unity around the globe. Emila's friend, Zari created the beautiful dove icon you see here, as a symbol of unity, love and peace. I think this tag is a wonderful way for us bloggers to help spread peace and love to each other. If everyone does their part in maintaining peace within themselves, their families, society and eventually the world, I'd like to believe that love will take over and peace will hopefully reside.
And now, lets tag some of my blog friends who I think have lots of love to share with others and they are Bobby, Madamoiselle, LJ, Zubli, Farah, Hazel, Bokjae, NAFASg, Sassy, Jamy and Catsy. Will you join me in this quest to make love and not war?
The rules:
1. If you get tagged or not (and want to play along), take some minutes to meditate about love and peace, pray for countries that are facing troubles, for those people you love and those you don’t.
2. Write a post with links to blogs that you think would like to participate.
3. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

Honestly, I didn't plan to buy a new perfume for myself today. My dresser is already packed with too many bottles but when I set my sight on this divine green bottle, its magnetic allure was simply too strong and I could not resist. And did you notice the miniature scent that comes with this set? It would definitely make a beautiful addition to Mariuca's Perfume Gallery with its elegant design and beautiful green shade. I'm also a huge fan of Estee Lauder and since White Linen Breeze is one of my favorite scents, I quickly made the purchase before I changed my mind and decided that this will be my Valentine's Day gift to myself! :)
Pure White Linen Light Breeze aims to mesmerize by capturing casual elegance to perfection. Vibrant and lively, this sparkling citrus floral fragrance combines refreshing citrus and sparkling notes of natural elements of green to bring you a fresh cool scent is reminiscent of a lovely garden in summer - simply irresistible! Its top notes include Italian bergamot, watery kumquat blossom, orange zest, white grapefruit, osmanthus, yellow freesia and linden blossom.
The best part of this purchase is of course the free miniature bottle, which is now happily occupying a prominent spot in my Gallery! It's amazing how a new scent can do wonders for my soul, which means I'm in a great mood today! I'd like to wish all of you a Happy Valentine's Day and don't forget to splurge on a nice new scent this special day!

Hello to all wonderful Mariucans and my faithful readers out there! I know I just posted a meme as my last post, but I have to get this one out immediately simply because it's too good to wait! I'd like to see just how far this meme will go and if it can really achieve the 1,000 links it is aiming for! I know all of you are just as excited as me to join in the fun, and you can do so right now! Let's join hands and make this meme a success through and through! Oh and have fun while you're at it too ok? :)
"Let’s face it; one of the main goals of joining a meme is to increase links. So, let’s call a spade a spade and see how “Big” of a “Bang” we can get. The goal is to exceed 1,000 sites. Can it be done? With your help we will leave all the other memes in our dust! Just follow the instructions. No thought necessary."
Stimulating, revitalizing oil
60 ml of macadamia oil, 30 ml of jojoba oil and 10 ml of chamomile oil,
20 drops of ethereal oils (orange, ylang-ylang, geranium, rosewood)
Exotic floral with fruit overtones
Remember-casual doesn't mean sloppy.
Wear layered coordinates-always pulled together with a vest, blazer, or anorak style jacket.
Head Gear like baseball caps can give many just casual outfits that sporty feel
love perfume