No one can deny this best fragrance


Oriental fragrances

These fragrances are associated with Far East. Their base is designed around exotic spices and flowers, sandalwood and resin. The first perfumes of such kind were introduced in 1925 by Guerlain under the name of Shalimar. The oriental fragrances are very strong and in the eighties when there became very popular, they became also banned by the owners of some of the big companies in their office buildings. Oriental scents are not in fashion all the time. However, those who like them are usually very fond of them. The typical example here is Obssession by Calvin Klein from 1985.


You love being a woman & enjoy lace touches, soft florals, & pearls.

Vetiver Racinettes was born out of two forces: my curiousity to study this intriguing and versatile note; and a deep need that I can only describe as therapeutic at that time, which lead me specifically to that essence. The result of this vetiver journey is a perfume that contains all of the elements that I've ever loved in the vetiver scents I've tried, as well as my own conclusions from my journey in the route of vetiver. It has the warmth of earth and firey spices and at the same time - the coolness of clay and vetiver curtains sprinkled with water; the medicinal dryness of herbs and grasses and the luxurious tenacity of woods; the sweetness of tarragon and earth with the bitterness of coffee and mud.

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